Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Meet 'Mita'

I'm icing cupcakes and feeling pretty good about myself since I made the icing myself instead of buying a pot of the pre-made stuff.  Seth nonchalantly grabs a stool and comes to see what I'm doing.

SETH: My mom (meaning his wife) will make cupcakes that look like a heart.

MOM: Well, that will be nice.I'm sure they will taste very good.

SETH: Yeah, they'll be better than yours.

MOM: Well, O.K.

SETH: And my mom will make mushroom soup that isn't yucky like yours.

MOM: Hmm, well good for her.

SETH: And she'll even put macaroni in it for me.  You don't.

MOM: So what's her name?

SETH: Well...her name will me MITA

MOM: Mita???

SETH: Yup, Mita, and she'll make taco salad a lot.  Not your yucky caesar salad.

MOM: Well I'm going to give her all my recipes.

SETH: She will burn them.

MOM: What if she makes you chili?

SETH: Then I'll yell at her a lot.

MOM: I hope you consider a lot of time for marriage counselling.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


If you ever stop in for breakfast, I would encourage you to politely decline Seth's offer to make you a little something to eat.  As pictured below, he considers bologna on a toasted blueberry eggo a well rounded meal.  I'm going to be kind and say his taste buds are still maturing.