Oh wow, has there ever been a lot going on lately. I need to be doing a little blogging to catch up. We're going to start with my little girl--Lindsay.
It was just one of those things that happen--you know...it happens plenty of times in a day--one sibling pushed another sibling, there's a cry of protest, etc etc etc. Last Wednesday was no different.
Paul was barrelling down the deck steps. Linday was standing on the second step from the bottom (about a foot and a half from the ground). Paul pushed his sister and ran for the swing. Since i saw the whole thing I pointed at Paul and told him to go sot on the bench. I went down the steps to see how lindsay was doing. She was not crying. I picked her up, put her on her feet and then noticed her arm. It was bent kind of like a 'U'. I picked her up and knew this was a hospital visit.
We went to Devon since I had heard that this hospital had short waiting times. Honestly, within 20 minutes Lindsay was checked in, had her vitals taken and even had her X-rays done! The doctor came along and we were told that both bones were broken in the lower arm.
Since she is only 7, they decided to sedate her before attempting to set the arm. This would involve getting an IV. We talked to Lindsay about this and let her make the decision. She chose the needle poke so she would not feel any pain in her sore arm. They got an IV ready and poked. Lindsay did not make a peep. After a few seconds the nurse quietly said, "No. It didn't work." She looked at Lindsay and said, "Sweetie, I'm so sorry. The poke didn't work out. We're going to have to try again." Lindsay was a little upset but she put on a brave face and replied, "It's OK. I can be brave again." The nurses were so touched. Try #2 happened the same way. It did not work. When the nurse looked up she told Lindsay again, "I'm sorry Lindsay. It just didn't work out again." At this point I could tell that Lindsay was quickly losing all bravado and was visibly discouraged. but again she replied, "It's OK. You tried. I can still be brave." This is when the nurses started getting teary eyed. They kept telling Lindsay she was one of the best patients they have ever had.
The nurses decided to give Lindsay a break and during that time Lindsay turned to me and asked, 'Mom, can we pray to God that the needle will work next time?" Oh what faith. it made this momma's heart melt. So we prayed. A few minutes later the nurses returned to try a third time. Once again, it did not work. Lindsay did have tears comeing down her face at this point but told the nurses that it was still OK. But this momma did not think it was OK. I immediately said, "No more needles. Find another way. There must be something she can take orally."
So they DID come up with something. It was a memory erasing drug. It would make her drowsy, hopefully to the point where she would fall asleep, and then they would set her arm. It is possible she would cry out in pain, but she would have no memory of it. They cautioned that using it would probably be more difficult for mom to deal with.
I okayed the drug. It was administerd and Lindsay did indeed get drowsy, though she did not sleep as we had hoped she would. I was readig to her from a certain children's magazine and Lindsay was listening. Meanwhile her arm was set and casted. Not once did my little girl cry out in pain. As the drowsiness wore off, we went back to get the newly casted arm X-rayed. Might I add right now that the cast was BRIGHT pink. Oh, SO perfect for my little girl.
We sat down in a chair to await a release from the hospital. It was suppertime now and we were hungry. The results were in. the doctor looked at the newly set bones and came over to us. He told us he wanted to double check with an expert in the Stollery. Ok...we could wait a little longer. So we waited...and waited...and waited...I think we must have sat 2-3 hours before the Stollery recieved, reviewed and got back to the doctor. The final word: Take off the cast, make an adjustment and re-cast. If the arm swells when the cast comes off, send the patient to the Stollery tonight.
Well, when I told Lindsay the news she cried. We had to start all over again. She was tired and hungry and she had been so brave. I held my precious little girl on my lap and we both prayed again. Mustering a little more bravado again (which I completely attribute to the Lord) she was reday to try again. I told her that they would put on another cast, just like the one she had now. Lindsay looked at her arm. "I don't even know how that cast got on there. It was like magic!" WOW! That drug actually worked!
So the cast cutter got pulled out and the cast was sawed off. Thankfully the arm did not swell! Another answer to prayer! The doctor came in and said he was going to set it again without giving her any drugs since she did not cry out the first time. Well...alrighty. I just wanted to go home. A quick adjustment without a single peep from Lindsay, and another bright pink cast was stiuated on her arm. Back to X-ray for a third time.
After the X-rays we waited to be released. The doctor came to see us and said he still was not completely happy with the way the bones were set. He sent the X-rays ahead to the Stollery and he told us that he was referring us to the Stollery. We could go home but to expect a phonecall from the Stollery in the next few days and recieve further instruction from them. by now it was 11:30. We were both toast. Home and bed were looking mighty sweet.
Well, today I heard back from the Stollery. We are to come in tomorrow and they want to get a few more X-rays. Oh I do so hope and pray that they do not need to re-cast a third time. Yet I am also thankful that the Stollery is one of the best children hospitals in the country and they will do their best with our precious little girl.
Good tough Gordon Stock!!!! What a sweetie she is. Even offered sympathy to the doctor when he apologized to her, telling him ,Ïts okay, you are doing the best you can!!!" We love you girl!!!Grandma