Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Names of Courtney

When you are the youngest in a household of 7 you have 6 other people who have the apptitude to give you nicknames.  It's a total shaft but Courtney has borne up amazingly well.  She responds to her plethora of nicknames with either delight or complete indifference.  Here's a list.

CHICKY-POO Her dear sweet mother gave her this name.  It is used as a term of endearment.  Thankfully she's reacts to it fairly well.

RED ALERT This one was made up by one of the nursery attendants at church.  I find it incredibly fitting and we have adopted the term.  Often one of the kids will be heard hollering this name out--obviously an indication that Courtney's up to no good.

SPAGHETTI BUTT This one she got from her sister--yeah real enchanting isn't it.  But also accurate.  You see, I usually put Courtney's meal on the little tray in front of her as she sits in her booster seat at the table.  When Courtney decides she has had enough food, she will stand up do a full 180, and promptly sit in the remains of her food. particualr night we had spaghetti.......

RED FIVE Her dad gave her this nickname.  Obviously she is a red head.  She is also the 5th child.  Honestly, I think her dad knew she really just needed a nice nickname for a change.  Oh I'm just told that red-five is also from Star Wars.  That would make sense then.

TROUBLE Given to her, lovingly, by her eldest brother.  The name is also self explanatory and definately deserved.

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