Seth is 4. he's been talking about his birthday since November. He's had his cake picked out (a rainbow cake with orange icing and a chicken on it) and his presents chosen (a blue loader, tractors, cars and CARS lego). Today the day finally arrived.
He awoke to orange and yellow balloons. He heartily approved. Next came going out for breakfast with dad. Dan takes all the kids out for breakfast on their birthday. The two of them took a quick check on the chickens and then got into the red truck (because dad knows how cool the red truck is to Seth) The 2 of them headed off to Tim Hortons for a breafast sandwich, donut and hot chocolate. When they got home Seth got to open his birthday presents.
A little while later his friend 'J' and his family came over. We had that wonderful nutritious Kraft Dinner for lunch (Seth's request) along with store bought chocolate milk. This was a MAJOR treat for the kids since I refuse to buy that stuff. Ususally we drink water and 1% milk here. After lunch we blew out candles and Seth opened his birthday present. Then the kids went out to play and the adults chatted. Soon it was mid-afternoon. The company left and we chilled till suppertime. Supper consisted of tacos and left-over birthday cake. Seth loved his day.
Best quote of the day?
Seth: Mommy, will I still be 4 tomorrow?
Me: Yes Seth.
Seth: And will I still be 4 after that?
Me: Yes Seth. You will never be 3 again.
Seth: (completely satisfied now) OH GOOD!
He's such a great little guy. he loves to help his dad in the barn. He loves it when I make up a page of shapes that he has to color. He's super laid back and isn't embarrased to sit with his mom or to come get a hug. He's different from the rest of them and yet fits right in.
Happy Birthday son!
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