I am reading a book by Spurgeon entitled "The Mourner's Comforter." I tell you, EVERY PAGE has something that just pierces my heart. I've called Spurgeon a true son of consolation. Here is just another proof.
"Furthermore, the Lord has chosen those who are broken-hearted. When persons are in very low circumstances , they may, nevertheless, possess great force of character and wonderful courage, by means of which they may force their way to the front. But, the persons who are interested in the blessings that Jesus came to bestow are not described as being of this brave and resolute race; for it is written, "He hath sent me to bind up the broken hearted." He is sent to encourage those whose spirit fails them.
As for the self confident who say, "I may be very poor in spiritual matters, but I can soon make myself better, and lay up a heap of religious wealth," nothing whatever is promised to them; but the broken-down ones, who are crushed in spirit and wounded in heart, are especially spoken of. These feel that even if they ever rise, then it must be God alone who can raise them, for they have no strength left; they are among the first to confess that if they are ever brought to heaven, then it will be a miracle of divine power and grace.
As for themselves, each of these broken hearts cries, "My strength is dried up like a potsherd. I scarcely feel power to pray, or even to think a good thought. Where shall I find foundation for hope? What can I expect but wrath?" The Lord Jesus is anointed to bind up such broken-spirited ones as these; and He will derive unmingled praise from their grateful hearts, since their natural condition excludes all boasting, and their deep and conscious obligations to grace will ensure their magnifying the Lord as long as they live."
--C.H. Spurgeon in The Mourner's Comforter
I should have read this yesterday! Mom