Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart fail; but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. --Psalm 73:25,26
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
A Rabied Coyote
"Dad! Dad!" There's a rabied coyote outside! He's laying there by the barns, too weak to get up and howling like crazy."
"Oh, how do you know it has rabies?"
"Oh...we KNOW. The pack has abandoned this coyote because it's really weak, and it's weak because you shot it in the stomach 30 times last winter."
Dan and I couldn't help it and we burst into laughter. I assure you, Dan didn't hit the coyote even once.
The heroic boys ran outside to ward off the 'rabid' coyote who, according to them, has been dying for the last 6 months. Eric armed himself with a tree branch and Paul a goalie stick. Lindsay stood on high alert as their spotter, Seth thought the whole thing was dumb and Courtney couldn't care less. Knowing her siblings, she was probably the bait.
By the way, I went outside to check out the story and I never did see the rabied coyote. And they say kids don't have imaginations these days.... hallucinations however.....
Surprise Me!
Me: Seth, what would you like on your sandwich?
Seth: What kind of lunch meat do you have?
Me: Black Forest Ham, Smoked Chicken and bologna.
Seth: Surprise me with 2 meats!
Me: Ok.
Seth: But don't surprise me with the chicken.
Seth: What kind of lunch meat do you have?
Me: Black Forest Ham, Smoked Chicken and bologna.
Seth: Surprise me with 2 meats!
Me: Ok.
Seth: But don't surprise me with the chicken.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Time For Tea
I was invited by Seth and his kindergarten class to enjoy a Mother's Day Tea. It was one of those heart melting moments with your child that has left some precious memories behind.
As I arrived I was ushered to another classroom where I soaked my feet in a lovely footbath. I was given lotion for my hands and afterwards my tough-boy Seth proceeded to paint my nails for me.
Starting from left to right these are the colors Seth choose for my nails: Purple pinky, white sparkly ring finger, orange middle finger, orange pointer and white sparkly thumb. On my right hand I have a purple thumb, red pointer, blue middle finger, green ring finger and purple pinky.
After my nails dried Seth and I painted a flower pot together. Seth came up with the color scheme and I added to dots to show some sort of uniformity in our project. We put in a paper flower and a butterfly.

Next Seth and I headed to the cupcake station. We both chose a cupcake and decorated them.
Finally we wound up at the tea station. Seth and I enjoyed our cupcakes along with some juice (for Seth) and a lovely cup of caramel maple tea for me. Delicious!
I read a few books to Seth while the other moms finished up with their children. Seth turned a little goofy so I took a quick picture as proof.
Just before we left the class sang a bunch of songs for us. It was an absolutely lovely afternoon and a very special memory was created that Seth and I now share.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Away Too Long
Okay guys, this blog is too neglected. I have missed 1000 opportunities of stories that I wanted to remember, keep and share. As I continue to go through my photos I will upload a bunch of them and add a few stories to go with them.
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