I was invited by Seth and his kindergarten class to enjoy a Mother's Day Tea. It was one of those heart melting moments with your child that has left some precious memories behind.
As I arrived I was ushered to another classroom where I soaked my feet in a lovely footbath. I was given lotion for my hands and afterwards my tough-boy Seth proceeded to paint my nails for me.
Starting from left to right these are the colors Seth choose for my nails: Purple pinky, white sparkly ring finger, orange middle finger, orange pointer and white sparkly thumb. On my right hand I have a purple thumb, red pointer, blue middle finger, green ring finger and purple pinky.
After my nails dried Seth and I painted a flower pot together. Seth came up with the color scheme and I added to dots to show some sort of uniformity in our project. We put in a paper flower and a butterfly.

Next Seth and I headed to the cupcake station. We both chose a cupcake and decorated them.
Finally we wound up at the tea station. Seth and I enjoyed our cupcakes along with some juice (for Seth) and a lovely cup of caramel maple tea for me. Delicious!
I read a few books to Seth while the other moms finished up with their children. Seth turned a little goofy so I took a quick picture as proof.
Just before we left the class sang a bunch of songs for us. It was an absolutely lovely afternoon and a very special memory was created that Seth and I now share.
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