Saturday, January 2, 2016

Top Reads For 2015

It's that time of year again!  I pulled out the duo-tang that holds the reviews I've written for each book I read this year. I've analyzed them and painstakingly put them in the order I feel that they have impacted me. 

Unfortunately, I fell WAY short of the goal I set for myself.

2015 brought a significant amount of change to our family--we moved off the farm, we changed our church membership, we both received training for new jobs, we bought a house in a declining economy and, due to the stress, my health took a nose dive as well.  On many days, reading fell to the wayside.

I finished 35 books in 2015.

     *7 Fiction
     *9 Non-Fiction
     *19 Biographies

I read a total of 8339 pages.

Top reads of 2015:

1. Spurgeon's Sorrows by Zack Eswine
2. Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan
3. Treblinka Survivor by Mark Smith & Hershl Sperling
4. Broken Minds by Steve & Robyn Bloem
5. The Happy Christian  by David Murray
6. Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi
7. Overcoming Spiritual Depression by Arie Elshout
8. The Korean Pentecost by William Blair & Bruce Hunt
9. The Railway Man by Eric Lomax
10. The Spark by Kristine Barnett

I smile as I look over this list.  I can recall the impact these books had on me as I read them--time well spent!  Two of the books on this list (Broken Minds & Pilgrim's Progress) are repeat reads, but they are so good that I felt compelled to return to their pages once again for encouragement and insight.  Unfortunately, I did not read a new Puritan in 2015.  This is a regret. 

I hope this list encourages you to pick up a good book.  Happy reading!

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