Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sweet Justice

When the children are grown I'm going to visit them.

~ I'm going to take marshmallows out of the pantry, throw them on the ground and step on them.
~I'm going to peel the paint off the walls.
~I'm going to mash the keys on the computer keyboard so the letter 'W' is permanently stuck.
~I'm going to color on their fridge, blinds, walls and babies.
~I'm going to dig in the honey pot then touch the TV.
~I'm going to lick their lamp.
~I'm going to whip wet pieces of toilet paper around the basement.
~I'm going to lay in their bed with my boots on and line the sheets with grit.
~I'm going to open the window and holler at all unsuspecting passerbys.
~I'mm going to pull out a gallon of milk and hide it in the living room between the couch and the TV.
~I'm going to take the hose and spray down all the contents that are in the garden shed.
~I'm going to shred Sunday's bulletin unto 3961 pieces and scatter them throughout the van.
~I'm going to lick the windows.
~I'm going to throw my collection of bugs in the clean laundry.
~I'm going to use an entire roll of toilet paper in one 'sitting'.
~I'm going to scrub their laminate floors with CLR.
~I'm going to throw my bread crusts unde the couch.
~I'm going to knock on the window at passerbys while my counterpart changes in front of said window.
~I'm going to pour a cup of water around the base of the toilet.
~I'm going to wash the outside windows using water from a mud puddle.
~I'm going to lay the snow shovel down in an obscure corner of the yard just before a 2 foot snowfall occurs.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot about dumping out flour, icing sugar, and/or baby powder.

