Monday, December 19, 2011


A boy heads upstairs on a Monday morning wearing a crookedly buttoned, red checkered dress shirt, a bright blue snap-on tie, with dark blue pants to complete the outfit. Paul informs me that he is going to be a minister. He tells me that he will know every song in the songbook. He assures me that he can find EVERY chapter in the Bible. And I quote, "I will tell all the moms to make their kids listen in church otherwise they have to take them out and they can't have their special snack when they get home. I will ride a motorcycle everywhere I go. I will tell the people about God and I will tell them to listen to me. I will also have a big dog. I will be a GREAT minister. But I have to practice preaching a lot."

So there you have it. I know he's only 4, and that his career choice will very likely change several thousand times. But this momma often prays that the Lord will call one of her sons to this heavenly, holy calling. I understand that the Lord's will shall be done, and perhaps He has other plans for my sons. In fact, all parents ought to pray that their children bring glory to God both now and in the future. But I still smile when I watch my 4 year old, and hope that one day his game of pretend will become reality. Regardless of our station in life, may the Lord use us all for the furtherance of His Kingdom!

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