Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Thoughts on the School Year

I'm reading the biography of Hudson Taylor--missionary and founder of the China Inland Mission, by Jim Cromarty.  (Actually, a little later I'd like to share a piece that I read that I found ever so helpful to daily Christian walk).  I was very much aware of how important and instrumental his upbringing was in shaping him.  Little Hudson Taylor was also homeschooled and it is rather amazing how much time both of his parents invested into his education.  They also, especially his mother, prayed ceaselessly over him and for him.  They constantly showed and prayed with great faith in God's covenant faithfulness.  As a result, Hudson Taylor grew up and was blessed greatly by the Lord--not in material gains, for Hudson denied himself much luxury, but in a close relationship with the Lord.  It is thrilling and humbling to read of his personal times with the Lord 

I may live in a different century but worldly influences nor God's covenant promises change.  I too, am fortunate to homeschool and feel compelled to teach them the ways of God.  I am shamed, however, at the lack of vigour I have had this past school year and realize that I need to be more disciplined.  I need to pray more, I need to be more scheduled.  I must display more effort towards my children.  I need to ask God for repentance more regularly and plead for His help more consistently.

One of the greatest blessings in homeschooling is impressing the greatness and goodness of God in everything.  It is to teach them our rich heritage and show how that looks in real life.  It is to teach certain qualities such as diligence, compassion, etc. in everyday life.

Upon hindsight, I did not enjoy teaching last year, and I think I know why.  This past year I lost focus of the main goal of homeschooling.  School got compressed into a "TO DO" list.  Math - check.  Reading - check.  Social - check.  Ok, now a bit of laundry - check.  Lunch - check.  Now let's read - check.  Science - check.  Ok, it's 3:00 and I'm tired.  Play outside while I tidy up and start up supper.  That is SO not the way I want to teach.

This summer I want to prepare for a more Christ-infused school year.  I want to work toward building my children up spiritually.  This starts with preparing myself.  This summer I'm going to be doing a lot of summer reading -- Charlotte Mason, a bit of Beeke, Cromarty's biography which i mentioned earlier, a little Goodwin and a bunch of Flavel.  I'm also going to scale back some of the more time intensive subjects (Language Arts and Math can not be altered, but Social and Science can!) and buy curriculum that tailors this.  Then it is my plan to put together a few character studies starting with John Bunyan and his life -- how he spent 12 years in Bedford Prison and to read and discuss his famous work, Pilgrim's Progress.  I want to get my hands on a copy of Isaac Watts' book "Divine and Moral Songs for Children" and memorize a few.  I'd like to study the lives of a few missionaries as well.

Oh Lord, bless my efforts.  I need your blessing to make this work.  More than anyone else, it is my children who deserve the bulk of my efforts and energy.  Lord, I will do the work, with your constant, daily help, but I need you to do the heart work.

1 comment:

  1. So I sit here reading and crying tears of joy over your great love for God for my grandchildren. To me, you are doing a great job of home schooling...the children know a great deal and they are asking numerous questions and offering lots of knowledge on many topics. The are secure, confident and mature for their ages. They are demonstrating that they are seeking God in their lives. Don't sell yourself short girl!!! I pray always that God will give you and Dan the strength and courage and the knowledge to teach the children and I pray He will fill you all with His Holy Spirit and give you all great knowledge and wisdom in Him
