Last night we headed to the URC church in Leduc to join them in a wonderful evening of singing. I'm convinced that we don't sing enough. Sure we sing in church. We sing at Bible Study, at the prayer meeting, the congregational meeting and virtually any other gathering where the believers meet. But to have just an evening set apart for singing praises to our Lord is precious indeed.
There were 2 acapella male choirs present. One was comprised of 4 men from local churches. The other was a group of 8 or 9 men from Zimbabwe. It was fantastic hearing them sing! (Not to mention, it gave our voices a chance to rest up a bit). The joy in their faces as they sang is always striking.
Our sister congregation in Leduc holds this event every year on Good Friday. I love how it is low-key. It doesn't require a whole lot of preparation or cost. The invitations go out in the form of bulletin announcements. Most of us in the area know about it and it's neat seeing a few members from various congregations get together for the purpose of praising God in song.
It made me think of a time when I was a kid and we had another family over. Someone suggested that we sing a few songs out of the Psalter. My mom went to her organ and played our requests and we all sang lustily. Such a simple way to spend an evening. Such a good way to bring glory to God and set our hearts on rejoicing in Him.
So of course this gets my mind ticking for future events. We live out in the country in a beautiful location. We have a fire pit and lots of room for people to sit outside in the summer. If people brought a lawn chair, a psalter hymnal and their voices, wouldn't it be a nice way to end a Sunday if people came over and we sang praises to God around a fire? I think so. Let's see what we can do.
I'll be there !!! Your comments brought to mind our singing when was growing up. We gathered in the living room every night after supper for family worship and part of it was signing the psalms. Dad taught us to sing in parts and he explained the psalm beforehand. Then he read the bible and prayed. I remember wishing he'd hurry, as I had things I thought at the time, were more important, but age has shown me that there is nothing more important!!!