We arrived at noon. It seemed almost surreal to see the large drab grey walls and rolls of barbed wire stretching across the top of the gates. We got out of our vehicle and, all 5 children in tow, made our way to the front doors where a growing number of people patiently waited.
Here you can see an overview of the prison. The square buildings on the ends are 'pods' and that is where the inmates are primarily housed. Currently there are 7 living units (pods) with enough space to build 3 more if necessary in the future.

Soon we were let inside. We climbed a few staircases and were ushered into a large room that had several display tables set up. They explained different facets of the prison. One display talked about tattoos on the inmates. Another display showed how a team of guards restore order during a riot. Yet another long table showed all the items that prison guards use--large rubber bullets, cans of pepper spray, riot shields, masks, baton sticks, manacles and handcuffs, etc. The were several guards standing behind these tables who were more than willing to answer any questions we had and explain how many of their 'tools' were daily used on the job. In that same room there was a 'mock' cell set up. This is where we got our first glimpse of how small the cells really were. But more about that later.
Next we were led into a large auditorium type room. We were seated and given a 10 minute presentation (or overview) of the prison. The old Remand Center was badly overcrowded. It was built to house 388 people, but due to pressing demands they double, and in some instances triple bunked inmates to accommodate the 750 that needed to be behind bars. This new facility can comfortably house 1952 inmates. On top of that, the new Remand Center is the most technologically advanced prison in all of Canada. Yay Edmonton! Don't take this to mean that there are loads of computers and TV's for inmates. Nope, we didn't see that at all. But that there are electrical plug-ins for cars and automatic lighting (turns off and on as people exit the rooms). Also, instead of visiting rooms, there are several computers that are made accessible to the inmates for 'Skype-like' chatting. Visitors must make their way to a different location in the city to access these computers so chats can be properly facilitated. Anyways, the lady gave us loads of interesting information. But now on to the exciting stuff!
We were sent down a few sets of stairs and into a large hallway. If you look at the top overview of the prison, we would have been standing in that hallway that runs down and between the center of all those large pods. Here some more guards were waiting for us by a large desk. As the guard spoke we noticed a few large holding cells (about the size of a phone booth) set at intervals along the long hallway. Of course, these were meant for prisoners. In case a riot or other issue came up while a guard was escorting an inmate to another part of the prison, the guard would quickly place the inmate inside one of these holding cells while he helped his colleagues deal with the issue at hand. When things had subsided the inmate would be released and continue to be escorted to whatever area he needed to be in. Because Eric was one of the first ones to ask the guards about the small containment 'booths' he was the one placed inside as the example. It was at this point we also discovered that the booths were sound proof. The guard also pointed out that this station was the central hub of the prison. If any pod needed assistance, help was a mere 13 seconds away.

Next we entered one of the 'pods.' Here is a shot of what it looked like. The picture you are looking at is from the maximum security 'pod'. A regular pod looked much the same except it lacked the extra locked off section where the cells were located. Also, the stairwell that went to the cells on the second and third floor were not enclosed in bars. All in all, it was pretty impressive! The showers were located on the bottom level in an open area in the corner--right where the 2 walls of cells meet. Once again, this ensured that the inmates remained in this one self-contained living area as much as possible. There were several tables with checkers and backgammon game boards stamped on the tabletops. Stools were attached to the tables and to the floors. At the side of the room (just behind where this picture is being taken) a large upraised desk is stationed where the prison guards could keep an eye out for any issues going on in the pod. Immediately beside the guard station was the door to a small fitness room and another door to get to an outside concrete compound. Large signs across these doors made it clear that it was a privilege to be granted access to the exercise room and the compound.
As we went through the door to get outside to the small compound we noticed the cement floor. 4 cement walls towered high above us with a steel grate overhead. You could see the blue sky and you could breathe the fresh air. You could not, however, see even a smidgen of green. Not a tree, not even a blade of grass. Prison is indeed a drab place.

Next we crossed the large room to take a peek at the cells. The cells were 8x8. Not big at all. Against the far side of the wall was a set of bunks. The mattresses were thin and 'plasticky.' A long, thin window was set by every bunk as you can see in the picture. It let in a good amount of light but on the flip side, it was difficult to get a good view of the outside. On the right hand side of the room was a one-piece plaster-type table attached to the floor. A stool-like chair was attached to the one side of the small table. If you wanted to sit at the other side of the table you would have to sit on the bottom bunk. Just in front of the table was the toilet. It was a one piece, stainless steel toilet with no lid. On the other side of the cell attached to the wall was a hand hold to enable an inmate to hoist himself up onto the top bunk. The inmates did have a lock on the inside of their cell door. This was a means of protection for them to ensure that another inmate could not razzle them while they chose to stay within their own cell. Of course at any time a guard could override this lock if they needed to get in.
Inmates are locked in their cells at, I believe, 10:30. It may be a little earlier, it may be a little later. I'm not 100% sure anymore. They do not have an actual 'lights out' time, since we were told that many inmates sleep much of the day and are up at night. A prisoner's sleeping patterns are extremely abnormal and inconsistent. The cells are opened at 7:00am. Inmates are expected to clean their cells and their areas until 8:30 am. At that time the TV in the main living space is turned on. That's the only TV the inmates get access to. 1 channel for them all. The guard told us that the TV is always a source of conflict. The channel is determined form the central guard station in the pod. The inmates also only have 'peasant vision.' However, the guard admitted that he hopes that the inmates get access to more TVs as it really cuts out on a lot of the boredom inmates suffer. Boredom always equates to tempers flaring and inevitably more fights. If the guards can find a way to keep the inmates in their cells there is far less potential for trouble. Here is a somewhat unclear picture of the lone TV in a pod. As you can see, this in in the same large living space as the guard station, tables and showers.

As we exited the main living areas we were given access to the enormous laundry room. The washing machines were HUGE! I could probably do 8-10 of my loads at home in a washing machine that size. We were told that the prison would save $18,000 a month just by being able to do their laundry at the facility. In the old Remand Center all laundry had to be sent out to another location where it was laundered and then returned.
We saw the health facilities they have there for the inmates--examination rooms, completely furnished dental rooms and a wing for the mentally ill. The less the need to shuttle inmates to and from the prison, the better. Also the facilities set up for women inmates are much better than in the present Remand center.
As our tour was ending, we walked into a room that held many of the inmates' paintings on the wall. Many paintings had Scripture written upon them. Many conveyed the loneliness of prison despite the complete lack of privacy. Many captured well-known slogans. Anyways, it was certainly interesting to see.
As our final leg, we toured the admissions section of the prison. All personal things were collected from the inmates and stored away. We viewed multiple large holding cells where prisoners wait upon first arrival to the prison. Once again, all these doors remained locked. A toilet was situated at the back of every holding room. And then there was the exit.
It was good to smell the fresh air. I must say I loved the tour of the prison. I think it was the best field trip of the year for the kids. But I must also say that after being there for 90 minutes I kind of had enough. I was ready to leave. I have absolutely no tendencies to claustrophobia, but I have to admit that I felt closed in. I got that sinking feeling of despondency while walking through those halls. Prison is not a nice place. You will get fed. You will stay warm. You can watch the news. But you have no freedom. There are a thousand ways to really sense that in a prison. Locked in at night. Cement walls about you as you breathe fresh air. Bands of angry and highly irritable persons are about all the time. There is absolutely no privacy.
Nope, prison is a place you want to stay out of. I'm really thankful for the tour. It was a once in a lifetime chance. I'm glad the kids saw it too. I'm thankful the 'bad guys' are not spoiled (as opposed to popular opinion). It was a great experience.
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