Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A VERY Special Package!

 I finally received a VERY special package in the mail the other day.  Initially the seller would not send this package to Canada, so I had to find a US address that would be willing to forward this baby on.  And I did :-)

As you can see by all the stickers plastered all over this box, it's been on a bit of a journey!

Here's the 'It's bloody heavy' warning (as quoted by my friend in Seattle who received and forwarded the package on).

 Here's one small look at what I paid to get this package to my door....
Of course Canada Customs needed to get their share as well......

Then I had to drive to a postal outlet in Edmonton to pick it up.  They asked for a little more money too.

And....after all that expense and inconvenience, here they are!!!!!  The complete works of Thomas Manton in their rare, red hardcover set.  Only 1000 sets were printed!

Pretty huh?  They get top shelf because they obviously are the MOST valuable in every sense of the word.  Of course, after getting a set of books, I have to rebalance all the colors of the library.  Can't have sets that clash with each other color-wise.  Also, the most important books have to be at the top.  You may never, never, NEVER break up a set.  And there should be no empty spaces on the shelves.  Those are simple, but very important personal library rules.  I take them VERY seriously.

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