Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Saving His Pennies

Yesterday night we had to vaccinate chickens--just over 10,000 of them.  Being short catchers we told Eric he could come and help.  I tell you, that kid was SUCH a trooper!  He worked and worked and worked--he did not stop.  He kept up with the rest of the guys for sure.  Everyone was impressed with that boy's work ethic!  So, at the end of the evening, he got a cheque for his hard work.

Today I took him to town to put the money in the bank.  He's been saving money for awhile and had squirreled away all the money he earned doing his paper route while we lived in Spruce Grove.  So he gets to the teller and she puts the money in his account and attempts a little conversation.

Teller: So, are you saving all your money for something?
Eric: Yup!  I'm saving my money for a house.
Teller:  Wh--Wh--What?  Really, a house?
Eric: Yeah, houses are expensive.  They're like 350,000 for a good one.  So I have to save up for it.

And you know what...that boy is going to pull it off too.  He's got an uncle who has LOADS of work for him on a chicken farm.  Eric's got the motivation and the work ethic.  I'm awfully proud of that boy. 

1 comment:

  1. So are we proud of him...so would great grandma be...she was obscessed with saving money!!!!
