Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Favorite Service

New Year's Eve has always been my favorite 'special' service of the year. 

There is something just so amazingly comforting about being in the house of the Lord with your fellow believers at the end of another year.  We do not fear the passing of time.  We do not shrink away from our weakening and aging bodies.  We recognize our frailty.  And we know our God is everlasting.  He was there before we were born--yes, before the mountains were made.  He will still be upholding all things after we die.  We are safely held by this God all the days of our short lives.  He called us into existence, preserves us on our perilous journey on this earth, and calls us home to Himself at last.

Time is always the great consideration at New Year's Eve--the end of another day, the end of another year, the consideration of the end of our lives.  Let the world enjoy their festivities.  Give me a quiet evening with the saints as we sing and pray together; as we read the Scriptures and hear them expounded.  Give me a quiet evening with my precious family of believers whom I will also meet in the air as we are gathered together on that Final Day.

I do not face the future in fear.  I am filled with great, great comfort as I consider the everlastingness of my God.  If I should die tomorrow, so be it.  I am safe in Christ.  If I should live to be 90, so be it.  I shall remain safe for I am bought and sealed by Christ.  He will uphold me.  He will preserve me.  And He will bring me home at the appointed time.

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