Two hairs from my head. The one on the right is my original hair color. The other is one of several grey hairs I have acquired.

This afternoon, as I was getting my hair done for a trial run for the upcoming wedding, I was informed that I had grey hairs. Normally such an announcement would make any woman run for the hair dye in horror. Not me. I was ecstatic! It TOTALLY made my day! I have always looked forward to being old. Grey hairs often resemble wisdom. I crave wisdom. Grey heads also represent time gone by, and are usually walking testimonies of people who have experienced much, lived much and learned much about life. Someone told me that I earned every one of them. I believe that. Not that I'm allowed to boast in past difficulties based on the changing color of my hair. I have often felt very, very old. Worn out, weary. Tired of this life and knowing I've seen much, experienced much, and spent a lot of time on my knees, pleading for blessed deliverance. I've also received another comment that grey hairs are certainly a testimony that God has been with me for a long time. I really appreciated that statement. My whole life is a testimony to that. He holds my life, my breath. I am His. All I can say is EBENEZER! Thus far has the Lord brought me. He will bring me safely home too.
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