Like most gifted 2 year old boys, he constructs great models (to scale of course) of some of the world's greatest monuments.
He expands his mind by drafting new solutions to solve the rising crises in our current world.
He faithfully continues to work on his thesis.
Today I gave him the diagram of a brain. (If my gifted son was awake I would ask him to tell me how to flip these pictures so they showed the right way).
I wanted to see if he could label it properly.
Imagine my shock when this is what was handed to me.
I asked him a few questions.
ME: "Where is your brain, Seth?"
SETH: "It's lost."
Naturally, his response left me in a silent shock so his father continued the query.
DAD: "Seth, on your picture, what does the yellow show?"
SETH: "Happy thoughts."
DAD: "Seth, what does the blue show?"
SETH: "Dirt."
We are reeling.
oh seth you will prove your parents wrong and become a neurosurgeon. Auntie Inge is rooting for you buddy!