Monday, January 9, 2012

Woes from the Past

While packing her basement (my parents are moving soon), my mom came across a few things that belonged to me. This morning she brought them over, one of which I would like to share with you. Honestly, I laughed so hard I had tears falling down my face when I read it all.

3 pages of looseleaf stapled together. The first page was a letter I had written to my parents in my 5th grade handwriting. It said:

Dear Mom and Pappa
I am sorry what happened about catechism. That's why I wrote lines. I did it because I kept wanting to put it off. I asked God to forgive me and do better. Please let me see that movie tonight. Have mercy, once.

What follows is 4 pages of lines:
"I must have all my catechism done by Friday night."

My oldest son enjoyed seeing this immensely as you can well imagine.

1 comment:

  1. I can well imagine Eric's delight at discovering that Mom did things that didn't tickle the parents!!! I had a great laugh, myself!!!
