Thursday, October 9, 2014

Working Together

Apparently supper was very very disgusting according to 2 boys.  Beans, potatoes and some sort of meat.  They both asked me if I would feed them.  Being busy, I told them to feed each other.  So they did.  Both scooped a pile of food into the other's mouth and then they both choked and gagged it down--tears running down their face, their feet stomping on their chairs to promote manliness and bravery in order swallow the 'disgusting' food.  Hilarious to watch.  The pictures just don't do it justice.

Death to Chocolate

 We awoke this morning to a Reeces Pieces graveyard.  17 chocolate bars met their demise.

However, the culprit must have gotten tired of them as 2 survived.


Upon interogation, one child claimed they were very good.
As parents we deliberated on her punishment.  Making her wear a pig snout for the day and calling her Oink seemed the most deserving and appropriate.  But we resorted to more traditional methods, spoke to her and required her to clean up after herself.