Oh, Goodwin, what is this intense, desperate hold that you have upon me? It almost feels idolatrous except that your words hurl me towards Christ with such vehemence. What is it that makes me cling to your books so much? The very sight of those 12 black volumes on my shelf make my heart beat faster. It feels sacrilegious to read your words too quickly and thus lose the intensity held therein. Why is it that I feel as if I could safely place my soul in your capable hands?
Your favorite topic is Christ. And how you make Him come alive on every page! You must know I am dull and suspicious and in turn you treat my soul delicately. You open up doctrines slowly. You repeat and review points--but never in a dull manner. How many times have I had to stop reading and cry out in my soul, "Prove it Goodwin! I hardly dare believe you. Such wondrous truths you convey...." But Goodwin, you bathe each new concept in Scripture. You compel me to grapple with such amazing insights simply because they come from the very Word of God. You prove over and over again that these fresh insights are but part of the old, old story. You prove yourself to always, always always stay true to the Scriptures. And Goodwin, for this reason you have become the very dearest of all my 17th century friends.
Portions that I've read a week ago hit me full force again as I sit under the preaching on Sundays. Your words perfectly coincide with the full gospel of grace--yes, your words enlarge my understanding of the greatness of God's grace.
Since I've been reading you, I have come to love the book of Hebrews like never before. You've transformed a book that previously was unclear to a book that now completely thrills me.
My prayers are deeper since I've started reading you. There is a deep seated awe-some awareness of God that permeates my prayers.
I love how you so carefully plow the richness of Christ deeper and deeper into my soul.
I am reading 'Christ the Mediator,' and I am thankful that I have much ground to cover yet. Many thanks for your labor in the Lord, Rev. Thomas Goodwin. It was not in vain.
beautiful piece of writing from yourself!!!