Thursday, June 27, 2013

Your Turn Courtney

Honestly, what has gotten into that girl of mine lately??!!  Just today:

--When I awoke I found purple ink on her hands and mouth.  I have not yet found the initial source.
--She hauled her tricycle through my potato plants.
--She fed the dog 3 pool noodles
--She stole and consumed 3/4 of a bag of droppies
--She opened up several board games and littered the laundry room floor with game pieces.
--She threw fertilized soil all over my clean laundry.
--Paul's puzzle was strewn throughout the entire office.
--1/2 a bottle of Windex was sprayed onto her toys--done by her.
--At bedtime I tell her we are going to pray.  She responds, "Ok....AMEN!  Done," and laughs hysterically.

And when we inquire into the latest disaster, she just glares at us.

Yesterday morning before anyone was awake, she took out a bottle of food coloring and dyed our living room coffee table a lovely shade of red.

She routinely empties the cookie jar before breakfast.

She sneaks into her brother's room and eats Eric's special lego.  The only reason I know that is because I find it in her diaper several hours later.

She wanders ALL the way down the driveway.

She fills the dog's water with his dry food.

She got into our bathroom and emptied Dan's aftershave all over the bathroom scale.  Toothpaste was plastered all over the floor and huge gobs of deodorant were resting on the toilet seat.  We found her licking the stick of deodorant like an ice cream cone.

I've found 3 tubes of toothpaste plastered all over the sink, cupboards and floor 10 minutes before company was to show up.  I've also found toothpaste all over my carpeted steps.

No height will hinder her from obtaining what she desires.  She will climb to get the droppies.  She climbed to get the food coloring.  She climbed to get the toothpaste. 

And really, she's quite a calm little girl.  She just saunters around, thumb in mouth, dragging her blanky along--looking wretchedly innocent.  But she's not.  I am almost 30, but that girl is aging me really fast.

1 comment:

  1. definitely going into the genealogy for comments that her cousins will no doubt want to make at her wedding!!!!!
